News (12/6/14)
- NOTE: My Brisbane show at Southside Tea Room now starts at 4:30pm! The Funemployed tour (as Justin Heazlewood) kicks off in July. (Click on venue for FB invite) Hobart (MONA July 5, The Night Owl July 6), Canberra (Smith’s Alternative July 12), Sydney (The Newsagency July 13), Brisbane (Avid Reader July 18, Southside Tea Room July 20). Check GIGS for latest info.
- My program Crazy Bastards is now on iview. It’s Mad Men meets Wake In Fright.
- I ran an advice booth at Readings recently.
- Funemployed book and EP are available here! You can read a sample chapter The Black Cat. Here is my Eight Things They Don’t Tell You About Being An Artist. Plus a self-interview with Three Thousand and a tell-something interview with Broadsheet.
- I made a Mix for The Lifted Brow – songs for artists.
- Art Day! was a ripping success. I read the whole book. It ran to time. There was palpable warmth emanating from the generous hearts of Australia’s creative brethren. Ultra thanks to my wing-readers Sabrina D’Angelo & Oliver Clark. Plus resident artists Yvette Coppersmith, David Blumenstein & John Pace. Love to The Awkwardstra and Fluorescent Organs. Two thumbs up.
- I found somewhere to live. Reservoir. It’s the new Reservoir.
- Happy 60th birthday Mum – July 2!

- Welcome to my new website! It was designed by CC Hua of Top Five Designs.
- Sabrina D’Angelo’s ‘Why Do I Dream?’ – (the comedy show I co-wrote/directed) recently won Best Comedy at New Zealand Fringe.