The Bedroom Philosopher

I’ve had someone intrude onto stage while I perform

I guess I was asking for it though.

Courtesy of The Comedy Store, Sydney.
(Hair courtesy of John Safran’s Race Relations, 2009).

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✨ Happy 2️⃣ 0️⃣ years of The Bedroom Philosopher!

Can you believe it was 2002 that I started my segment on Triple J’s Morning Show? (Are ya sick of me yet?) 🤓
Well, I’ll be celebrating all this month by posting the original trax, classic pix and a lil’ origins doco Friday.
Stay tuned on Facebook, TwitterYoutube.
There’ll be competitions, giveaways and infinite Golden Gaytimes in

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peace and love to all irish women ☘️

Who’s lonely? You’re lonely? I’m lonely. I was lonely before it was popular.

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